Don’t be nuts.

Use Samme to make sales and marketing easy.

Get leads and make sales.

We help you reach out to 250 million + contacts via email, phone and social media.

All on☝️platform.

We use AI and advanced filters to search for your ideal customer.

Choose from over 60 million companies. 🤯

When a lead visits your website, they meet our 🤖.

It helps them book a meeting or make a purchase.

Engaging, fun and fully automated!

Always know what to say.

Start really understanding your customers.

The Samme Strategy Workshop answers:

🥸 Who to reach out to.

⏱️ When.

♟️ And How.

We’ve generated millions💰 in sales.

Get all of our best “lines”.

Phone, Email, Social Media, Follow-Up, and Meetings.

No more awkward moments, and guaranteed to never be 🤢.

Put our proven frameworks to the test.

Your ads, website, content, and emails will attract more new customers.

Steal some of the most 🔥 prompts.

Always know what to do next.

The ACORN Sales Process

Your customer has 5 key moments with you.

We make sure each one leads to more sales.

The ACORN process is centered around customer behavior, which increases your chances of influencing their decision.

👀 Get your customer’s attention.

🤓 Help them learn and shop.

🐿️ Make it easy for them to buy.

🥇 How to deliver impact.

🤳 Help them tell their friends.

Take the first step.👇

Samme makes sales easy in 3 ways.

Custom Sales System.

We will build you a sales system that gets you leads and turns them into new customers.

Know everything about three areas:

  • Who to sell to?

  • What to say to them?

  • What is my sales future?

We will coach you and help implement this strategy over 3-4 weeks.

Custom Coaching for Your Team.

Immediately improve sales with our meticulously crafted course.

Ideal for real estate, professional services, and high-ticket b2c firms.

Add specific details about your business so we can give your team actionable learnings.

8-Week Program: Grow Your Business with Sales.

Receive a module at the start of the week.

Attend the weekly video group coaching call.

Attend a bi-weekly one on one check in.

You can like sales AND be good at it without having to change who you are.

Confidence has no budget.

Need help with a custom sales project?